It was January, scolar time. Each animal was prepared for going to study. One morning, the teacher mouse went to the school to prepare it for his students.
Then, he cleaned the powder; he hung beautiful squares in the wall and finally he swept the floor. it was already hour of begin the class.
The rabbit was the first one that Arrived, and very happy he said:
-Good morning teacher. The teacher mouse answer him : -Good morning rabbit, welcome, come here and sit on your desk.
Then, the owl arrived, with the donkey, and greeted. They sat down at their desk to begin the class. The teacher mouse, taught them a beautiful song to remember the numbers. And he began to sing.
One little two, little three, little Indians,
Four, little five little six little Indians,
Seven little eight, little nine little Indians,
Ten little Indians boys.
Ten, little nine, little eight little Indians
Seven little six, little five, little Indians,
Four, little three, little two, little Indians,
One little Indian boy.
Then, all the students sang with the teacher. The rabbit was the first in learn the song, Then, he sang and sang with his friends. Suddenly, it was listened a desperate cry and the owl asked
-Who is crying? And a voice said sadly - I am uhm uhm uhm
And all asked, -what happen? Why you cry donkey? And the donkey responded –because I not understand, I am very silly uhm, uhm, uuuuuuuuuuhm. - Don’t worry, we will help. The teacher said – tanks, the donkey said.
The teacher asked - what make for we help the donkey?
And the rabbit said: teacher, you can write the number song on the board.
Then the teacher wrote in the board the first verse, he explained to donkey and the teacher sang slowly. Then the donkey understood and he sang the first verse.
Then, the teacher mouse, wrote the second verse until finish all the song and finally the donkey can to learn and to sing the numbers song.